Mots Sapiens Project Wiki


Welcome to the « Mots Sapiens » project !

Your volio is already created ? Click here to retrieve it.
Consult the D'ico - Shortcut to the Lab

In a few words[]

How could efficient communication and communication tools help reshape the world from the individuals' pactical wishes up to an emergent, manifold, and fluid society ? This is what this wiki is about.

More specifically, the Mots Sapiens Project aims at automatizing and making easier the « getting in touch » of wishers whose wishes answer each other, moreover : making easier for them to organize rendez-vous at moments and places that fit everyone ; allowing everyone to comment everyone's wishes, even to criticize them ; also, the project aims at producing interesting overviews, like lists of local needs that are not met by offers, lists of the most popular collective projects, an emergent multilingual dictionary of communicational elements — among other things. Help the project by updating your volio, your wishlist, so to speak. Plunge straight away into a fluid society woven by individuals' « live-wills », enlightened by themselves, about themselves and the available communication tools.

The Mots Sapiens Project aims at creating such a tool, no more no less than a «wish machine », in open-source. During Fall 2012, a first functional wish machine prototype has been coded. You can download it at this address :

2020 update : The project is finally moving further ! Read (in French) Qu'est-ce qui se trame sur la Tramice ? (published on, a journal for a communicational age . . . that I launched in 2015)

The approach proposed here is one of simplicity and consists in using the mere coherence that exists between the different ways we have for expressing things. Why wishes ? Because they answer each other ! This wiki has been created to help an emergent team from across the planet (and beyond !) to work together on such a tool, on different versions of it, and to discuss about all that. What would that tool be, what should it do exactly, how would it work — what would we do ourselves, the day it stands before us, on the screen, overbuzzing with optimism and linked to likeminded other tools ? Such are the topics this page aims at covering.

Good and happy will to all !


Note : this introduction is a contextualization and may be skipped.
Click here, shall you want to plunge straight away into the heart of the idea !

-- This part is yet to be translated -- For an in depth introduction in English, please see Ideas for developing a semantic web for the people and by the people

La course au web sémantique (c'est-à-dire un web qui interprètera — enfin — nos communications de façon universelle et pratique) est lancée depuis une décennie au moins. Mais ses fruits ne font toujours pas partie des pratiques web de la plupart des internautes. Pourquoi ? Serait-ce que ce genre de développement informatique se fait de façon plus abstruse qu'il n'en faut ?

Abstru, abstruse : «Dont la difficulté rebute l'esprit. » ~ Le petit Robert, édition 1984 (justement cette édition-là sous la main en ce moment ! ~ Fred Mir 19:38, June 22, 2011 (UTC))

L'idée d'un web «intelligent » est dans l'air, cependant, et se manifestera bien, tôt ou tard.


Parmi les différents efforts dans le domaine, une approche particulièrement simple, émergente et conviviale a été proposée par Fred Mir sur un blog qui a vu le jour au printemps 2010.

Convivialité : «Rapports positifs entre personnes au sein de la société. » ~ Le petit Robert, édition 1990

Le présent wiki a d'ailleurs été initié par ce même Fred Mir, pendant le printemps 2011, dans l'espoir qu'il servira — et inspirera — à créer by the people et for the people, dans la plus grande transparence (protégée par quelques licences appropriées) un émergiciel capable à lui seul de mettre au monde un web sémantique digne de ce nom, parfaitement fonctionnel et évolutif de surcroît !

Mais… une approche émergente… pourquoi ?

Pour être, pardi ! Et être ensemble !!

Pour prioriser ce qui importe : la beauté du monde et des êtres — la belle diversité, la vive énergie de la vie, la communication, l'interconnexion et le renouvellement des idées !


The Volios[]

What indeed could life be in this corner of the universe should we take into the habit of maintaining wish lists of ours (that we would call volios), and should we also apply ourselves, with the potential of the current technology of information, to answer each other wishes. What would our societies be like, shall such a practice become popular ?

It is that very experience — with the help of a little good will — that the Mots Sapiens Project is trying to attempt.

And, concretely, how does it go ?

Well, our communication tool, actually a whole semantic web could emerge from our volios themselves. More precisely, it could emerge — through a tool that we could call an «emergeware » — from the coherence inherent to the various words and sentences that we would use in expressing every one of our wishes in many ways. Effectively, on our volios, we would formulate every one of our wish — according to the game's rule —, in at least two different ways (that could be in different languages), followed by at least one example of wish that would satisfyingly answer it, equivalent formulations thereof accordingly.


Doing so, we would give as many clues to our emergeware, to its logic, so that it could let emerge the universal element of communication that are hiding behind our myriads of ways to express ourselves (those would be the elements collected in The D'ico). The associations to be made between matching wishes could simply emerge from those clues as well.

Formulations, thus duplicated, will eventually coincide, sometimes even at the whole sentence level. We will thus have at hand bigger and bigger sets for every thing communicated, in proportion to the actual frequency at which that thing is communicated. Those formulations could then be analysed into simpler elements. We don't have to shell out every little word, only those that semantically detach themselves from the whole formulation.

To this day, in as far as we know, such an «emergeware » do not exist, but in words. A little bit of programmation would suffice, though, to obtain the first draft of a fantastic tool, of a wish machine, or at least something powerful enough to inform wishes' utterers of wishes that answer theirs, and then to sort those wishes by order of emergency or of other criteria specified by the utterers (among which, range, availability and particular skills).

It is already possible, on this wiki, absolutely free of charge, to create one's own volio. In order to create your volio, and participate in that way to the project «while risking to see your wishes come true », please write your pseudo on the page containing all the Volios <---(tip : click on that link and, on the page that opens, click on the little pencil at the top of the page so that you can edit it). Please, find a pseudo that is not already in use, and write it down in alphabetical order. Then, transform it into a link with the Link tool (or, in source mode, use the syntax [[Volio_-_Your_Pseudo|Your Pseudo]]).

Note : the name of the target file should, to be recognized as a volio, should respect this format : Volio - Your Pseudo.

The first time you click on that link (once the page is saved), the wiki creates a new page that is nothing else than your volio. The following times, it will bring you there, simple as that. Wikis are gentle beasts.


Here is the proposed format for a wish :

a wish, expressed in one way // the same wish, but expressed in a different manner, possibly in a different language // again exactly the same wish, yet formulated in another fashion // etc. << an example of a wish that would answer yours adequately // another way to express it << a different example of a wish that would answer yours // another way to say it // etc.

In the proposed syntax, the double slash («// ») delimits the many synonymous ways of expressing a wish. The double angle brackets («<< »), for their part, introduce each different example of wish that would suitably answer the wish placed before the first «<< ». In order to help the emergence process, it may be useful to simplify the form, for example by starting each formulation with a verb and by omitting the periods at the ends of sentences — the semi-colon («; ») may then be used to formulate a wish with many sentences.

Obviously, it could greatly help the process of emergence if the pieces of every formulation are in one-to-one correspondence with the pieces of every other formulations that are given as equivalent.

(See the tentative variants on my volio, in particular the Infos section, where the entries are of the format «variable » : «value », and also the tentative syntax : «offer >> examples of wishes to which this offer is likely to answer ». ~ Fred Mir 23:25, June 24, 2011 (UTC))

Now, here is the proposed format for a volio :

Title of the first section
a first wish (that complies to the format described above)
a second wish, in a different paragraph
Title of the second section
a wish
another wish

According to that format, the sections' titles are left at the wishers discretion and may also be formulated in different ways, separated with «// »s. They can be used by the wishers to organize their wishes, but also to let emerge a proper «folksonomy », that is, an emergent classification, derived from the different ways to name and categorize things. Please, use the double slash («// ») only between strictlyequivalent formulations, relatively to their meaning. For example, the following section's title is better written with commas : «Resources, Talents, Knowledges, Know-How, Experiences, Offers », since those terms are not strictly equivalent.


The D'ico[]

The elements of communication implicit in our communications would be emerged into a kind of multilingual multimedia «dictionary » that we could call the D'ico. At first, the D'ico's pages could appear right here, on this wiki, possibly manually, as examples of what our algorithms should accomplish. Each page of the D'ico could be named with the prefix « D'ico - », followed with, for example, with the ido equivalent of that element. Ido is a language derived from esperanto.

In this first phase, the results, the wishes that answer other wishes (the «echoes ») could be sent via email to the authors of the latter. So, no interface other than this wiki (plus emailing) would be required in a first functional phase.

In an ulterior phase, a graphical interface would surely be welcome in order for us to be able to redact our volios in a few gestures and also to visualise our echoes. This interface would also serve us to consult the D'ico (the elements of which would be represented as icons, among other media — hence the name chosen). Each element would have its own page, its entry in the D'ico, which everyone could customize and then view in perso mode (showing only the languages and formulations chosen by the user) or, by switching to the cosmo mode, for viewing all the different ways of expression that exist in the known universe.

A domain name has been reserved for this ulterior phase :

Needs & Wishes

Needs must ![]

In addition to correctly answer individual wishes, the Mots Sapiens Project also aims at producing, for any location — by default where the user is —, a list of local needs and wishes that would be sorted in priority order, the more urgent ones being placed at the top.

The ordering of that list could be determined by the wishers themselves, simply by using in their wishes phrases like «urgent », «priority », or «asap ». The use of such phrases could be subject to users' feedback, so that abuses could be kept in check. Users could also apply personal filters upon that list, so that, for example, they could be informed in priority of the wishes they can most competently answer. The exact ordering of that list, since it would only be an ordering, a suggestion, would not matter absolutely — it would not be necessary to put great effort in order to obtain the ideal ordering. A coarse ordering could very well do the job.

The idea here is that, thanks to that ordered list, we could better see the most pressing needs around us.

Another thing that would be very useful to make emerge, maybe in an ulterior phase of the project : the consequences of some wishes ; if they are answered ; if they are not.

And… ah, by the way… appropriately answering the needs… looking after the well-being of everyone… being able to plan ahead a little bit… isn't that the essential of what any good economical system should do ? What is needed is not always what pays in money. Yet, needs must !


All to the Lab !¬)[]

So, a call is hereby made for co-reflexion and collaboration in the making of a tool capable, via logical reasoning applied to all the volios, to correctly discern which wishes answer which other ones (and meanwhile to recognize and document the communicational elements implicit in our wishes formulated in natural languages — or invented languages, as long as they are coherent !), and capable also to present the local wishes by order of necessity.

A multilingual section of this wiki is specially dedicated to such collaboration and co-reflexion in the making of such a tool. It is named : The Lab.

Do you have simplicity, logic, ingeniousness and a capacity to see the big picture ? Would you like to actively take part in this project ? There is still some magic to be crafted at the Lab !

Lab animé

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